On Weight Management Amid Pandemic

12:43 PM

Having the knowledge on weight management during the pandemic is just half the battle.

When is the right time to address the issue? If you're still in a rut and couldn't get out of it, do something and get back on track.

“The Universe rewards action, not thought.” 

As simple as it seems, it’s surprising how many people still struggle in the stages of analyzing and planning but what needs to be done is to start taking action in improving one's health. 

In my previous article posted nine months ago, "only 7% were extremely confident about their nutrition knowledge while 54% claimed to have less awareness in that area. The results came from a general nutrition quiz conducted by a premier global company called Herbalife Nutrition. The Philippines’ score was lower than the Asia Pacific (APAC) average of 23%.

The quiz was administered as part of Herbalife Nutrition’s Asia Pacific Nutrition Myths Survey 2020 conducted in March with 5,500 respondents from Australia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam. To test the nutrition knowledge of the survey participants, the quiz included a total of 48 true or false questions spanning nine nutrition areas - general nutrition, protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, caffeine, weight management and breakfast." 

You can read all about it here https://www.ericayub.com/2020/07/on-managing-weight-and-boosting-immune.html

Despite the current pandemic crisis, the sales were enhanced in some companies that make snacks especially when the countries went through lockdowns. We stocked up on snacks as one of our comfort food. The situation has led people (myself included) to substantially rely on junk foods, which can cause serious damage not only to our body but also to the brain. Both unhealthy eating and the pandemic can potentially trigger off a mental meltdown. 

Know more about the dark side of unhealthy eating : https://food.ndtv.com/lists/the-bad-the-worse-5-ways-junk-food-can-mess-with-your-brain-764392

Some may have seen the crisis as an opportunity to finally cook healthy meals and do workouts as often as they can, unfortunately, it’s a different case for me. I stopped stepping on the scale cause for sure, I’ve put on extra weight during this time. Must put an end to this junk food madness since I'm turning 40 in a month. Will focus more on healthy eating, regular exercises, and a good night’s sleep. Believing in the importance of weight management, good nutrition, and having a healthy active lifestyle will keep the virus and other diseases at bay.

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