Churp Churp!

11:08 PM

Calling out FB HOLICS and twitter ADDICTS!

This is your time to shine and earn at the same time.
Presenting the newest community for Social Media "ChurpChurp"!
The good thing about it is that they reward it's users across Malaysia, Singapore and of course, the Philippines for spreading and sharing messages! And it's totally free!

Register now and be rewarded with 15 pesos per referral!
Just log on to
or  Follow them on twitter @Churp2

GENERAL GUIDE (courtesy of ChurpChurp)

 Yes to

  1. Sharing it on your Twitter timeline
  2. Sharing it on your Facebook wall.
  3. Sharing it on your other social networks such as Friendster, MySpace, forums and other portals.
  4. Customising your status on instant messengers such as Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, Google Talk, Skype, etc.
  5. Emailing your friends who might be interested

No to

  1. SPAM!
  2. Sharing it on competing brands' social media platforms.
  3. Sharing it on suspicious sites (e.g pornography sites but not limited to) to generate views or clicks!
  4. Use automated methods to generate views and clicks.
  5. Using misleading messages when sharing
  6. Sharing it on the original campaign platforms (such as Facebook fan pages and microsites)
  7. Sharing it on ChurpChurp's Facebook Fan page.
  8. Use PTC (Pay to Click) sites, link exchangers, other such services, or forming groups for this purpose.
  9. Creating dummy email and other social networking accounts for signup campaigns. Accounts must be verified and have a minimum of 25 Twitter followers and/or Facebook Friends.

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