How To #LoveYourNerves ?

2:08 PM
Do you know of someone who often complains about burning sensation especially in the feet and hand? Tingling maybe? How about numbness or weakness?
Are you still trying to figure out about that condition? The treatment and handling it?

That's exactly what we learned during the Nenoin Symposium of the new clinical evidence on the treatment of symptoms of Peripheral Neuropathy organized by Merck Inc. , the makers of Neurobion, held at Marco Polo recently. The recently published landmarks study known as the Nenoin study from Indonesia.
The results are very relevant in this country as more and more Filipinos are suffering from Neuropathy and not even aware of it. I was not even aware that I used to suffer from it (I think).
It is Mercks Inc.'s advocacy to educate each and every Filipino about the disease and try to stretch the lifespan to about a hundred with a good quality life.

So, what is Neuropathy exactly?
According to Neurologist, researcher, and lecturer from Indonesia Rizaldy Pinzon, Neuropathy is a disease that affects the peripheral nervous system and the most common symptoms are NUMBNESS and PAIN. A lot of patients suffer from this disease but sadly the condition is still under diagnosed and under treated.
1 in 4 population have a higher phase of Neuropathy. They have done this test in Indonesia and it is quite shocking that 30% of the population there suffer from this disease. Said to be a chronic condition and most of the time the patients would visit the doctor after the end stage or it is already too late.  Just like other parts of the human body, the nerves demand attention as well.

What are the causes?
Neuropathy could be acquired or hereditary but most cases are 90% acquired. It could be from Vasculities infection such as HIV, Chronic trauma, Diabetes (1 from 4 diabetic patients will suffer from Neuropathy), SLE, PAN, Neoplasm, Vit. B12 deficiency and so on.
Some are work-related and journalist have a higher chance to have Neuropathy because of typing too much that eventually leads to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Patients often complain about burning sensation especially in the feet and hand, tingling, sensitivity to touch, electric light pain/ electric shock, numbness and weakness in the end stage of the disease.
I only got 2 so I got healthy nerves :)
Thanks to this age and technology, there is a new clinical study (Asian Journal of Medical Sciences, lan 2018) that has brought a major step forward for nerve health: it has demonstrated that an effective treatment helps relieve all Neuropathy symptoms (observed in the study), regardless of the cause of peripheral Neuropathy. Finally it is also very reassuring to see that the treatment has shown a good tolerance profile over the whole duration.

Neurobion is the best supplement for my nerves, not only does it soothe nerve pain and helps abolish numbness, but it also protects the nerves, I guess. No side effects whatsoever were felt. I know this to be true because it was the supplement that brought my body back ages ago. 
Neurobion, the nerve care expert from Merck Consumer Health was first launched in the Philippines in July 1972 and is now the world's no. 1 in neurotropic B vitamins combination products.

Neurotropic B vitamins are vitamins exerting their benefits on the health of the nervous system. They have an important role in nourishing enriching and helping to regenerate nerves in those who suffer compromised nerve health or peripheral Neuropathy.
Neurobion Tablet and Neurobion Forte Tablet is available over the counter while Neurobion Forte Solution for Injection is available by prescription.

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