Chai C. Galapon : "Innocence in Time" Book Launch event

Last Sunday, April 13, was indeed a remarkable day, not only for author and mom, Ms. Chai C. Galapon , but for me as well.

I had the opportunity to be part of a book launching and book signing event, along with other blogger friends.
For a first-timer and book lover myself, it was ,without a doubt, a pleasure at it's finest!
Of course, the successful book launch was held at SM Center Pasig, the home to both global and prestigious homegrown brands.
To show it's commitment to serving the community, the leasing department , led the book launch activity of a homegrown talent and avid SM Pasig Customer, Ms. Chai C. Galapon , who shares her first masterpiece, " Innocence in Time ".

Who is the Author?
Chai C. Galapon was a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Commerce major in Banking and Finance at the Centro Escolar University in Manila, Philippines.
Married in 2007 to Raymond Galapon and a mom of 2.
She is also the author of The Adventures of Kamish and Tantris series.
How did she come up with the story?
The budding story line of her book conceived from her love of the main protagonist of the 1950's animated film Cinderella. She's a lover of fairy tales.
In search of a name --"Regina Rose: A princess story" was the first one on the list but thought it was too common for her.
She changed it eventually to Tatiana Rose , named after her daughter.
She began writing the book last February of 2011 and finished it by the end of August.
But it was never published.
The 3-year period followed entailed just editing of the pages until she finally decided to pushed it through.

The ever bubbly Ms. Marylaine of SM Center Pasig graced the event and discussed about how difficult it can be as a self-published author.
Chai Galapon said she has zero information on how to promote her work----no idea about the process and such.
By joining and winning a publishing package worth $600 from ergo the chance for a book launch assuredly.
"If there is a will then there is really a way" quoted by her.
"Even if you don't know where to start, with your determination , you will definitely get there."

By the way, each time you buy the book Innocence in Time, P20 pesos of each book will be donated to Mommy Heart Calimlim's Baby Yvan who has a pulmonary dysplasia. You get to enjoy the book plus you can help baby Yvan at the same time. Sort of "2 birds-1 stone" thingy, right?
Kudos to you ms. Chai! You have a heart of gold.

“For it is in giving that we receive.” ― Francis of Assisi

Aside from SM Center Pasig, Philips Avent also showed their support in the cause, by sending raffle prizes and goody bags for all guests and bloggers. Philips AVENT is the leading brand worldwide for essentials from pregnancy to playground.
Recently, the brand has launched their search for 30 Philips AVENT Mom-Ambassadors in celebration of their 30 succesful years. Philips AVENT continues to develop products inspired by nature that are supported by top standard clinical research and medical trials. The event is very apt. as Ms. Chai Galapon is not just a book author , as i have said, a mom as well.

Some of the brands that supported the event that can be found at SM Center Pasig are CDr-king and Mobile King, Super inPLaytables, KrispyKreme ,Walter bread, Dippin' Dots, Pink Parlour, Classic Savory , Pazzo Rollio.
With my "LUCK" , no gcs for me, lol!
 There were no selling of the books during the launch but thankfully...
 Ms. Chai was generous enough to provide me one and the rest of the bloggers as well :)

Innocence in Time book review will be up on my blog next week. Hibernation mode starts now in observance of the Lenten Season. 
It was indeed a successful event!
Congratulations to you Ms. Chai Galapon!
May you have more events like this :)

Innocence in Time
A fairy tale continued.

"When the twelve Princes from different fairy tale kingdoms were captured by the evil withc, everything in mankind's history changes. Only one person could bring back all what's been taken.
Will Tatiana Rose be able to save us from the evil witch's wrath? How and why would she do that and risks everything that's important to her?"

*Innocence in Time is now available at Sweet Life Coffee in Greenwoods Executive Village

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